giovedì 23 febbraio 2017

The Increasing Gap
The gap between richer and poorer countries is widening steadily. This emerged from the World Bank data. Even if the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita is on average also grew up in low-income countries, the difference in height compared to the world's major economies continues to increase. 

In the 1990 the difference between the average GDP per capita in low-income countries than in higher income was $ 18,373. 2015 does however record a gap increased considerably, amounting to US $ 39,099. 

As shown in the graphic, since 1960 the advanced economies have considerably increased the distance with the countries of the Third World. In the visualization were choosen three representative nations for each income group, to which has been added Italy, ranked among the states with high income. 

Here's the viz, published on Info Data - Il Sole 24 Ore at this link:

Click below and go to the interactive Viz!

Filippo Mastroianni was born on March 14, 1988 in Milan. Data Analyst and Consultant for The Information Lab Italy, approaches the data-driven world from a humanistic background. He graduates with a thesis on Data Journalism and discovered his great passion for Data Visualization. Since 2016 he regularly collaborates with Il Sole 24 Ore. Author of several Viz of the Day, he is currently Tableau Ambassador and Tableau Featured Author.

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