giovedì 2 febbraio 2017

#MakeOverMonday: Employment Growth in G7
For the first time I was involved in a weekly social data project called MakeOverMonday. Each week they post a link to a chart, and its data, and then you can rework the chart. The curiosity is to see if someone else can retell the story more effectively, or find a new story in the data.

What I liked the most of this week is the challenge to make something esthetically pleasing and creative from a little dataset. Proving that we don't necessarily need a lot of data to create something beatiful and carry out significant informations.

This one was the dataset:

I choose to use a waffle chart to visualize this data. I was tired of cake charts and bar charts, and I've never used this kind of graph. So I looked at this post of Andy Kriebel, and downloaded the template for the grid layout here.

At the end I modified the first dataset a bit, to add the lines in the middle of my Viz.
This is the dataset modified:

The dataviz was published on InfoData - Il Sole 24 Ore at this link:

Here's the result of my first #MakeoverMonday.

Click below and go to the interactive Viz!

Filippo Mastroianni was born on March 14, 1988 in Milan. Data Analyst and Consultant for The Information Lab Italy, approaches the data-driven world from a humanistic background. He graduates with a thesis on Data Journalism and discovered his great passion for Data Visualization. Since 2016 he regularly collaborates with Il Sole 24 Ore. Author of several Viz of the Day, he is currently Tableau Ambassador and Tableau Featured Author.

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