martedì 7 febbraio 2017

Doomsday Clock
The Doomsday Clock is a symbol that represents a countdown to possible global catastrophe. It has been maintained since 1947 by the members of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science and Security Board, who are in turn advised by the Governing Board and the Board of Sponsors, including 18 Nobel laureates.

This year the clock was set to two minutes and a half to midnight. Inside the motivation, the scientists indicates the rise of nationalism, United States President Donald Trump's comments over nuclear weapons, the threat of a renewed arms race between the U.S. and Russia, and the expressed disbelief in the scientific consensus over climate change by the Trump Administration. This is the first use of a fraction in the time, and the Clock's closest approach to midnight since 1953.

The dataviz summarizes the changes registered since 1947 on the Doomsday Clock. The radar chart shows the individual movements, year by year. The size of the hands is in relation to the years when the clock marked that exact time. The Doomsday Clock, for most of the years between 1947 and 2017, was placed on 23:53, 7 minutes from midnight. 

The dataviz was originally published on InfoData - Il Sole 24 Ore, at this link: 

I will try to update an explanation of how I did it as soon as possibile.

Click below and go to the interactive Viz!

Filippo Mastroianni was born on March 14, 1988 in Milan. Data Analyst and Consultant for The Information Lab Italy, approaches the data-driven world from a humanistic background. He graduates with a thesis on Data Journalism and discovered his great passion for Data Visualization. Since 2016 he regularly collaborates with Il Sole 24 Ore. Author of several Viz of the Day, he is currently Tableau Ambassador and Tableau Featured Author.

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