martedì 13 giugno 2017

8Xmille and 2Xmille - Is there a correlation?
8xmille is the IRPEF income tax portion, which the Italian State distributes among itself on the basis of choices made in tax returns and the religious confessions that have entered into an agreement. The Catholic Church clearly won in terms of contributions received, also favored by the "indifference mechanism", according to which contributions from non-preferential taxpayers are also granted to Catholic Church.

2xmille, introduced in the year 2014, provide for the allocation of part of Irpef share to a party, with a voluntary financing system. According to a SWG survey published on the end of April, the most voted party in the Catholic area would be the Democratic Party for detachment.

I went to seek regional correlations between 8 and 2 xmille, to understand what relationship exists between the primacy of the Catholic Church and that of the party led by Matteo Renzi. Are polls on the Catholic electorate reflecting the distribution of contributions? Are the regions that allocate 8xmille to the Catholic Church also have high rates of 2xmille of the Democratic Party?

You can read this article also on Info Data Blog, Il sole 24 Ore, at this link:

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Filippo Mastroianni was born on March 14, 1988 in Milan. Data Analyst and Consultant for The Information Lab Italy, approaches the data-driven world from a humanistic background. He graduates with a thesis on Data Journalism and discovered his great passion for Data Visualization. Since 2016 he regularly collaborates with Il Sole 24 Ore. Author of several Viz of the Day, he is currently Tableau Ambassador and Tableau Featured Author.

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